How does light affect our well-being?
How do we feel in the dark? How underneath the neon lights? How under a normal bulb?
What happens when we get to the sun? How does the light of the moon influence us?
What happens when we are in the fog for a long time or rainy days?
For our health and well-being, it is important to maximize exposure to natural light sources. We have already forgotten how the body reacts when we go to bed early and we are not exposed to the city night light pollution.
Spending a few days in nature, away from noise and street lights, can miraculously improve our psyche and calm the irritated nerves that call for the loving attention of night peace and silence.
Daylight, with its pure frequency, improves the overall health picture of a tired, depleted organism, which a modern human being almost unknowingly tries to overcome with various means.
Remember how it feels to experience a sunrise by the sea or in the country where there is no smog that prevents the sun's rays from reaching you. Compare your feelings with the morning when you wake up in town.
The body knows very well what it needs, both in terms of food, movement, sleep, as well as light frequencies.
We probably all know how we like to choose colors. Colors of clothing, food, environment in which we live. I just want to emphasize that when choosing a color, it is important to keep up with your feelings, because what is good for me is not necessarily good for my neighbor.
Sleeping in a complete darkness is a very important aspect of our health and well-being. Only then can the body produce the substances necessary for our health. The pineal gland needs in order to produce melatonin compete darkness.
"Melatonin suppression is key to understanding much of why LAN is so crappy for us. This workhorse biochemical is produced by the brain's pineal gland at night — when it's dark — to regulate our sleep-wake cycle. It lowers blood pressure, glucose levels, and body temperature — key physiological responses responsible for restful sleep. As neurologist George Brainard puts it, "Light works as if it's a drug, except it's not a drug at all."
The part of your brain that controls your biological clock is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN), a group of cells in the hypothalamus. These cells respond to light and dark signals. The optic nerves in our eyes senses light and transmits a signal to the SCN telling the brain that it's time to wake up. It also kickstarts other processes, like raising body temperature and producing hormones like cortisol. Our cortisol levels are relatively low at night, allowing us to sleep, and higher during the day, allowing for the stabilization of energy levels and the modulation of immune function.
But LAN unnaturally elevates cortisol levels at night, which disrupts sleepand introduces a host of problems relating to body-fat levels, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation. It also contributes to sleep debt and a disruption the neuroregulation of appetite.
But if our rooms are dark at night, there's no optic signal to the SCN, so our bodies pump out the much needed melatonin. Moreover, our melatonin levels are regulated according to the amount of exposure we had to light during the previous day."
(by George Dvorsky at
The lack of sunlight can also cause many problems: Make sure you get your daily, or at least a weekly dose of sunlight.Occasionally, especially in the summer, you also have some sleep under the moonlight. V.Megre writes about the healing effects of this act in his collection of the Ringing Cedars of Russia.In short, as with all other aspects of our lives, it is also necessary to listen to your body even when it tells us with our feeling when we need to get out into the sun.And a good sleep will allow us to be in contact with ourselves and we can listen well.